Welcome to The Review Post!
Hello there!
Welcome to my new literary abode (or so I would like to call it). :-)
I'm thrilled with this new endeavour that has brought excitement in my life.
And boy am I raring to go!
If there's one thing I like to do, it's this - review things. Books, movies, music videos, places, restaurants - essentially anything I can experience.
I like putting my experiences in words because when I write about them, it's like living those moments all over again. With good experiences I feel nostalgia, with the bad ones, well at least I know what I don't want to experience ever again, right?
And in some teeny tiny way, it also makes me feel important.
Reviews are subjective and many a time, you may not agree with what you read - and that's perfectly alright. I'd love for this forum to be more interactive in its new avatar, so keep those comments coming!
Note: You will need a Google+ profile or page to be able to comment.
Happy reading!
Welcome to my new literary abode (or so I would like to call it). :-)
I'm thrilled with this new endeavour that has brought excitement in my life.
And boy am I raring to go!
I like putting my experiences in words because when I write about them, it's like living those moments all over again. With good experiences I feel nostalgia, with the bad ones, well at least I know what I don't want to experience ever again, right?
And in some teeny tiny way, it also makes me feel important.
Reviews are subjective and many a time, you may not agree with what you read - and that's perfectly alright. I'd love for this forum to be more interactive in its new avatar, so keep those comments coming!
Note: You will need a Google+ profile or page to be able to comment.
Happy reading!