Shaadi ke no side effects
Sincere apologies, this time was particularly long.
I had other business to take care of, you know marriage et al. :)
And as husband and I walked into the sunset hand-in-hand he sweetly asks - you're not going to write about this on your blog, right?
I just smiled at him.

And this is the beautiful part about marriage that people gush about I guess. The understanding.
Because at that point in time there was one thing we were both pretty certain about - I was definitely going to write about it! :P
How could I not?
If my life were a novel, this is the part where the most important character makes his entry - the hero!
That said, the hero has made his entry and will be a common occurrence in my posts henceforth :)
At the expense of his embarrassment, welcome to the blogosphere husband dearest!
It's going to take a while to reorient myself.
So while I scoop for something interesting to write about, I'm leaving you with a couple snapshots of what my month has been like :)