To new beginnings...

Happy new year everyone!
Welcome to 2014 or the year of the Horse (according to Chinese astrology).

Apparently this year is good for luck, in general.
That might sound like good news to most of us, but in the light of my last post, doesn't seem like it for the AAP. Now, while I wish them luck, I really hope they stop the drama and start the work.

They seem to be more and more consumed by the party they've made alliance with - not so much good news for us. So let's hope the horse swoops across to change the luck and fate of this nation this year :-)

Having said that, 2014 seems to have begun at quite the galloping speed - already 16 days in - feels like we were preparing for new years just yesterday! I hope the year remains as eventful. To put it in true Bollywood terminology - hanste hanste kat jaaye raste. (Pardon the filminess, it's just so innate :-P)

There's nothing new about new years, in my opinion, especially when it comes to resolutions. Every year it's the same drill - think about a host of things you want to change this year, follow them for the first fortnight or so, and get back to normal routine (read: break all your resolutions).

This year however, I have decided to be resolute and stick to my guns (unless I'm sick or busy running for life) and my list for 2014 looks something like this:

i) Be more regular with posts
ii) Write about things that are new and interesting
iii) Follow the top two resolutions religiously!

The third being the most important, not to mention :-)

On a more personal note:
i) Plant a tree
ii) Contribute towards educating society (be it education for children, adults or women's rights)
iii) Feel inspired everyday

My resolutions might sound boring, but I'd love to hear about your interesting ones.
So, comment away!

On that note, here's hoping this year turns out much better than the previous in more ways than one.
Here's to new beginnings!


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