A political saga

I have always wanted to comment on the political system of our country but often wondered where to begin. In all honesty, I even tried writing a bit about it, but it just sounded like a whiny story of an unhappy citizen. In view of the upcoming elections, this seemed like a good time.

Political commentary is a tough task. What should we talk about - the microcosm of things or the macrocosm of it? For instance should I wonder how my local corporation is functioning, how is my constituency doing -- infrastructure-wise, development-wise -- or should I worry about how the country is being governed at large? To tell the truth, I really don't know. Because I'm not connected to the political system at all. From a very young age I was told, politics is not a good thing. So I stayed out of it, but today I'm being asked to vote. They say it's my responsibility as a citizen, my right to choose.
So I set off in search of a candidate, I realized this a good time to put my head into the matter. I considered a few independents, decided that the current governance is not what I want. Things didn't look so bad, my mind was made. Until I switched on the TV. There it was splashed all over the news - my state setting new records for corruption.

What?! But I'd just made up my mind. Whom to trust, whom to vote, when something as basic as garbage disposal is a major point of discussion? Instead of how we can plan the expansion of this city, how do we increase revenue for it? How can we tap the benefits of FDI? And I was lost, yet again.

Honestly, I'm just sad. Not angry, not anxious. Just sad.
I will do what is required of me. I will vote. But I have no assurance after, all I can do is hope.
Hope that the next government will do better, hope that they will be more inclusive in their governance.

Fact of the matter is - hope is a really wonderful thing :-)


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