
Showing posts from June, 2014

Welcome to The Review Post!

Hello there! Welcome to my new literary abode (or so I would like to call it). :-) I'm thrilled with this new endeavour that has brought excitement in my life. And boy am I raring to go! If there's one thing I like to do, it's this - review things. Books, movies, music videos, places, restaurants - essentially anything I can experience. I like putting my experiences in words because when I write about them, it's like living those moments all over again. With good experiences I feel nostalgia, with the bad ones, well at least I know what I don't want to experience ever again, right? And in some teeny tiny way, it also makes me feel important. Reviews are subjective and many a time, you may not agree with what you read - and that's perfectly alright. I'd love for this forum to be more interactive in its new avatar, so keep those comments coming! Note: You will need a Google+ profile or page to be able to comment. Happy reading!

And that's a wrap...

Change is good, and inevitable as the wise say. And hence, I'm headed down that path with this blog. I'm bidding goodbye to spots checks & stripes. With the hopes that what's to come will be better. It isn't going to be teary or morose, in fact I have only to thank this space. For bringing me out of writing hibernation and making me believe I can do this. For over a year, it has been my motivation to come back and keep posting. I bid adieu but only to come back with something different, something interesting and of course something original. Cheers!

Jai Ho - lesser said the better

At the cost of facing flak from Sallu fans, I'm going to do this. Trust me, I'm a big Sallu fan myself. But this movie was beyond disappointment. The good - There are a couple of them only - 1. There is a social message in the film (it's quite blatant actually) and 2. I didn't pay to watch this film. The bad - It is understood that Salman Khan has die-hard fans but to take them for granted? This was a bit of a stretch. I've watched bad Sallu films - Wanted, Bodyguard, Ready (even enjoyed this one) - but Jai Ho left me at a loss for words. The ugly - Check out the cast - I mean seriously! Anyone and everyone is in it. The production house had absolutely no problem keeping budgets in control.  The obvious - There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that works for this film. There is no story (save the one message that you're badgered with throughout because the director hasn't been acquianted with the concept of subtelty).  The frames

Gunday: bromance at its peak

I frankly didn’t know what to make of this film. If you thought the bromance in Dostana was much, you ain’t seen nothing yet folks. This is bromance of a serious variety. What you saw on Koffee with Karan was just the tip of the iceberg. The eye contact, the sharing of a smirk, the running in unison – too much I say! Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor shared more chemistry between each other than their efforts to share one with Priyanka Chopra, put together. I’ve been inactive on my blog for over a month, this film made me want to write again (guess I can thank it for at least one thing).  So first off, I’d have never watched this film but I must admit, quite unabashedly, that the only reason I did watch it was the Ghanti song. I mean it does have a ‘ring’ to it (get it? :P)and listen to it a few times over, your body will swing to it automatically. :P Having confessed to something as embarrassing as that, let’s get to the story. Oh right, there was none. B