Mind to me: I'm taking a vacation

And it left.
Leaving me in the beautiful month of October with nothing to write about.
That's right!
In addition to being lost and confused (which is my general state of mind), I'm also blank! (And this is new because I generally have something to say about everything.)
Notice how I have more text in brackets than the actual blog post.
So I start saying something and I have more side thoughts than the actual thoughts. That ever happen to you? Always happens to me.
My point being, for someone with so many thoughts, to go blank is something new.
Finally, when I did sit down to write today, this is what I was doing:
When this is what I should've been doing:
Again, point being, I have no peg for my stories and I'm seriously scraping the bottom of an empty barrel (read mind) for ideas.
In case you did make it through the entire post, please feel free to drop in your suggestions!
They're always welcome :)