Books: what a wonderful world

In a hectic day of work, chores and the regular chaos, a book (especially a good one) makes me want to just sit down, unwind and enter my own world.

I won't go so far as calling myself a bookworm (I know people who read way more than I do) but I enjoy a good read. Who doesn't? Even registered myself on - this site really inspired me to read more and most importantly, share what I read.

Imagine coming home to one of these! :)

So I've spread my proverbial book wings to reach out to all the people of the book world! :)

When I think books, I've always wished for - i) a rack full of them, so I wouldn't know where to begin. ii) Be part of a book club and have discussions about my favourite authors and my favourite part of the plot in a book. iii) Own a library and the aforementioned book club :) (I can settle for being just a librarian, too).

Yeah I know, I know - I haven't even really worked yet and here I am making retirement plans already. Where's the money going to come from? How am I going to sustain? Yada yada... But one can always dream right? :)

Back to the point
Books make my mind explode with ideas and imagination. And it's my own. I can use thoughts from it, be in it, revel in it, until I have to come back to reality. *sigh*

Reading makes me think and a really good read, blows my mind!

And just imagine a room full of such opportunities, every book, a new thought, a new world!

It's so exciting, I thought reading was natural, I mean, who doesn't read? But umm, I was wrong!

I strongly recommend that those who don't read, begin reading because as one of my college professors once said to us, "It's never too late to start reading."

Reading transports you to another world, it gives your mind wings to glide through your imagination (and yes, you do not need Red Bull for that, your mind can do the trick, just fine).

So get going, start reading, today!


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