A political saga

I have always wanted to comment on the political system of our country but often wondered where to begin. In all honesty, I even tried writing a bit about it, but it just sounded like a whiny story of an unhappy citizen. In view of the upcoming elections, this seemed like a good time. Political commentary is a tough task. What should we talk about - the microcosm of things or the macrocosm of it? For instance should I wonder how my local corporation is functioning, how is my constituency doing -- infrastructure-wise, development-wise -- or should I worry about how the country is being governed at large? To tell the truth, I really don't know. Because I'm not connected to the political system at all. From a very young age I was told, politics is not a good thing. So I stayed out of it, but today I'm being asked to vote. They say it's my responsibility as a citizen, my right to choose. So I set off in search of a candidate, I realized this a good time to put my head...