
Showing posts from September, 2015

This is how I beat 'Writer's Block'

I wrote this on my other blog and was quite happy with it, so here I am, sharing my joy. :) I need to write for myself.  I get withdrawal symptoms otherwise. It's strange because, unlike other addictive things, withdrawal symptoms for writing occur much after you've stopped.  Your body exhausts every morsel of satisfaction you got from writing your last piece. And then, after about 6-8 months, it happens - the first pang. Your thoughts are finding words, but the words are not reaching the word doc. And when you attempt to put it down, there it is, the dreaded writer's block, staring you in the face. What's writer's block? To me, it's the cursor blinking on a blank screen. There's nothing that bothers me more than that jobless blinking cursor. I get immense pleasure making him work. So then, that's what I do. Make him run, as my words catch up with him. Then I pause to think and he gets time to rest. But then I start typing and he sta

Supermarketwala: Secrets to Winning Consumer India

This is not typically the kind of book I would read, but I really have no clue how I chanced upon it. It just appeared one day, on the 'books that might interest me' list on my Amazon account. So I read the synopsis, it seemed interesting, so I went ahead and scrolled through the comments and reviews. Most people had only good things to say and that's rare when it comes to books. So obviously then, I bought it. And I'm glad I did. The author, Damodar Mall, is an extremely learned man. I can only imagine how much one can learn from just being around him. And I don't know if he'll ever read my review, but I sincerely thank him for writing a book and spreading his treasure trove of knowledge. It's amazing how much insight one can get by just walking through a market or even just standing behind the billing counter of a supermarket. I was awed by some of these insights. Supermarketwala was an amazing read for me because of two reasons - i) I belong to t