
Showing posts from February, 2014

Poetry is in the air

I'm feeling rather poetic these days. For those of you who missed the first one of the season, here it is - my ode to India and more specifically the former state of Andhra Pradesh. I was truly torn by the incident. Having said that, I moved on from the sombre state of mind to a slightly more lighter tone with this limerick I jotted down in what I'd call a "burst of creativity". It was an informal dedication to a person I didn't know too well. But despite that I thought I did pretty well (so much for modesty) :P In our time of need, you always paid heed. We can't thank you enough for all your deeds. We look up to you for inspiration anew. You will always be what we call the coolest new-age guru ! Read with with the swagger of a rapper. I ended up singing it in the Eminem (think Slim Shady) kind of way.  Tell me what struck you as a good tune that would go with the limerick!

As my country gently weeps...

Cut her, break her, divide her. On any other day, I'd have said, she will rise again. But not today. I am but one person. And I want to make a difference before they destroy her completely. But how? The stealth, the dirt and the audacity of a handful of people conspiring to annihilate this country is beyond me. We can see. The people of this country can see through you. Yesterday, democracy was being torn to bits before me. And all I could do was watch in frustrated silence and helplessness. I am but one person. And I watched my country gently weep. *In memory of a state called Andhra Pradesh