Books: what a wonderful world

In a hectic day of work, chores and the regular chaos, a book (especially a good one) makes me want to just sit down, unwind and enter my own world. I won't go so far as calling myself a bookworm (I know people who read way more than I do) but I enjoy a good read. Who doesn't? Even registered myself on - this site really inspired me to read more and most importantly, share what I read. Imagine coming home to one of these! :) So I've spread my proverbial book wings to reach out to all the people of the book world! :) When I think books, I've always wished for - i) a rack full of them, so I wouldn't know where to begin. ii) Be part of a book club and have discussions about my favourite authors and my favourite part of the plot in a book. iii) Own a library and the aforementioned book club :) (I can settle for being just a librarian, too). Sidetrack Yeah I know, I know - I haven't even really worked yet and here I am ...