Man of Steel: Superman reinvented

Superman is my favorite superhero. And I can't say I've been happy with the way he's been depicted in the movies made till date. I mean cocky with a wry sense of humor is great, and works really well with the ladies too, but somewhere down the line I believe Superman stopped being taken seriously. Could be because of that glued hairstyle with just one curl on the forehead (which not once fell out of place, no matter how much he flew around the stratosphere) or the famous red briefs over the blue suit. Photo: Google images But all that changed with Man of Steel. The curl and the red briefs are gone as the superhero dawns a new avatar. And I don't think it has anything to do with the new face of Superman - Henry Cavill (drool!) - or his elaborate background story. I think it was more about Christopher Nolan and his vision of Superman. After Inception, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, we believe in the genius of Christopher Nolan. But unfortunately, that e...