Book: The Great Gatsby

You know it's been a while since I read this one. But unlike the other books, I didn't feel like writing about The Great Gatsby as soon as I was finished. My thought: it's a marvelous read. No wonder people rave about it so much. I've joined the club. There's so much truth in what F. Scott Fitzgerald writes. The plot may be set in post-war America, but the sentiments and emotions are so real and true to even this day and age. I'll confess, I've never been forced into retrospection by a book before. The Great Gatsby left me in an emotional limbo. And I'm still in it. The novel is witty, intense and has great character. You feel Jay Gatby's love, Nick Carraway's helplessness and Daisy Buchanan's ordeal. It left me with "and life goes on..." kind of feeling. You think, you can comment on the lives of these characters, but you can't. And that's where I think the beauty of this book lies. There is some of them i...